Online Resources for Fiber optics

The growth of the internet stimulated the growth of broadband enhancing devices and optical fiber being the best available solution to meet those demands came to the stage with its variety of products and services. We generally browse the internet and nowadays most of us use Google search engines to query our doubts. The subject of Fiber Optics technology has many online resources to learn. But many of them ask the users money even to view the content. Knowledge sharing has become a business in the modern world.

Well, that is also a business. Let them make money by hiding the knowledge. We have enough other sources for most of our doubts. Wikipedia is one of the sources for fiber optics, it gives a fair amount of theoretical information. But has limitations in dealing with formula and design principles. Wikipedia’s article about optical fibers clicks here is useful for newcomers.

Another good site providing basic knowledge on different types of fiber optic cables is ‘Fiber Optics’.  The basics of Fiber optic cable are explained in simple terms, This site will give us an overview of different types of fiber optic cables.

If you are looking for the latest fiber optic news, you must visit the site Fiber Optic Social Network. This is both a news site and a place for social networking. You can also learn fiber optic by playing quizzes, participating in forum discussions, and learning from their tutorials. FOMSN’s Job section is particularly attractive to those looking  for a career in fiber optics and telecom.

A glossary of fiber optic technology terms will usually help us to clear our doubts. One such interesting, informative glossary is maintained by Fiber Optics and can be visited through the link click here

As we have discussed earlier also, the name Corning is almost a synonym for Fiber optics, even if it is exaggerated a little bit. Corning maintains many online resources. Coring’s site will provide Application notes on fiber optics, conference papers, Material safety data sheets, Optical Measurement methods, Fiber optic product information, Tutorials, Video and white papers on Fiber Optic technology, etc. Corning’s online resources will be highly useful to many outside plant contractors. Check out Corning’s Basic Principles of Fiber Optics

OFS maintains one such site for providing online fiber optic technology-related knowledge. OFS knowledge Base is useful for experienced people working in the fiber optic cable industry as well as students. Many times we will be confused by reading deep technical articles written by those professors, many of whom themselves may not be clear of the subject. Writing a book is easier than teaching a layman to understand the basics of fiber optics. Especially when it comes to WDM and DWDM, people need a simple explanation that makes their doubts clear. WDM Basics can be accessed by click here. For DWDM basics click here

If you are looking for a comprehensive training course in Fiber optic technology BTS training will do your job. Click here Fiber Optic Association Inc., FOA is a non-profit professional society of fiber optics. FOA maintains a good amount of online resources and PowerPoint presentations that will explain fiber optics in simple terms. Telebytes’s Fiber Optic Communications for the Premises Environment is a recommended online resource for the study of Fiber optics communication. If you want an almost complete reading resource on fiber optics Telebyte is happy to receive you as a reader click here

If you want to buy or sell fiber optic related products, Fiber Optics Online will help you do that. Fiber optics online deliver information on many fiber optic products. Check them here Click

Fiber Optics for Sale Co. is another site for selling and supply of Fiber optic related products. See them here Click

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