New Conference Planned to Promote FTTH in the Middle East

Middle East Group of FTTH Council Europe prepares a regional event in Jordan on 20th and 21st October 2009 to discuss and promote FTTH in the Middle East region.

The Middle East Group of FTTH Council Europe today announced plans to host its first regional Middle East event, providing service providers, investors, regulators, and other prospective FTTH stakeholders of the Middle East region with valuable insights into the business and technical solutions to next-generation broadband deployment. The two-day event, taking place at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Jordan’s capital city Amman, will feature a conference programme filled with case studies, regulatory debate and technical best-practice alongside a dedicated exhibition showcasing the latest FTTH products. Delegate registration for the event will open on 30th July.

This event is the product of the recently founded ‘FTTH Council Middle East Group’; a specially-formed working party consisting of Council members either indigenous to the region or with commercial interests there. “The decision to hold this event is in direct response to ever-increasing demand from prospective FTTH interest groups throughout the Middle East,” explained Faris Awartani, Chair of the FTTH Council Middle East Group. “I am positive that all FTTH interested parties will welcome and value the opportunity for greater business insight and technical debate surrounding FTTH, at an event designed to target the FTTH specific issues .”

“I believe this is another bold step by the Council to reach out and expand its horizons,” said Karel Helsen, President of the FTTH Council Europe. “Looking at individual markets in the Middle East region, there are many differences with what we see in Europe, but also similarities. I trust the Council’s experience producing successful European conferences over the last seven years will be of tremendous benefit to our new audiences, each of which is addressing its own specific FTTH opportunities.” More information concerning the content of the conference will be released in due course. For further details visit This press release will also be made available in Arabic.

About the Fibre to the Home (FTTH) Council Europe The FTTH Council Europe www.ftthcouncil.euis an industry organization with a mission to accelerate the availability of fiber-based, broadband access networks to consumers and businesses.

The Council promotes this technology because it will deliver a flow of new services that make a decisive difference in the lives of consumers and companies and create value for the wider society.

Its members include leading telecommunications companies and many world leaders in the telecommunications industry.

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