FTC Selects Occam for GPON Solutions

FTC (Farmers Telephone company) extends the deployment of Occam BLC 6000 MSAP to include Gigabit Ethernet GPON solutions.

Occam Networks Inc., founded in 1999 develops and markets solutions that are useful to telecommunications carriers to meet the challenge of profitable delivery of high-speed broadband services such as data and video and lifeline voice services to residential and business subscribers.

Occam Networks official press release announced that Farmers Telephone Cooperative (FTC) has selected their latest Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) and GPON FTTP options to deliver IPTV to its deepest rural and highest density service areas. Farmers Telephone company is already using Occam’s Multiservice access platform BLC 6000 to build its internet broadband network.

Farmers Telephone Cooperative provides cutting-edge technology to both residents and businesses in Williamsburg, Lee, Sumter, Clarendon and Florence counties in the United States. Farmers Telephone Cooperative (FTC), Inc., which is founded in 1951, is a multi-faceted telecommunications company headquartered in Kingstree, SC. FTC Serves more than 60,000 customers within a geographical area of 4,800 kilometers. FTC is the 3rd largest telephone cooperative in the United States.

With this new development of selecting Occam once again to deliver the Multiservice access platform from Occam, FTC subscribers can benefit from the latest Gigabit Ethernet GPON services. It is a challenge for Farmers Telephone company to reach remote rural areas that are highly populated too with the latest telecommunication technologies. Delivering Internet Protocol Television over Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Networks is a challenge, but with Occam BLC 6000 MSAP, many of the obstacles in deployment could be eased, FTC expects.

The press release state that FTC has successfully served over 3,500 video subscribers with MPEG4-based triple-play services including IPTV, while upgrading the company’s 450 remote cabinets using Occam retrofit kits, since FTC’s deployment and installation of Occam’s BLC 6000 System. FTC is now adding fiber-fed rural subscribers via the Occam GPON technology integrated into its BLC 6000 System to access IPTV. This GPON deployment uses the same Ethernet-based MSAP used in FTC’s initial MPEG4 deployment, eliminating the need for a new system while providing greater scalability and more simplicity.

FTC has taken advantage of multiple technology options (DSL, bonded DSL, GbE FTTP, and GPON FTTP) available in the BLC 6000 MSAP to deliver IPTV to its subscribers. Bonded DSL, GbE, and GPON FTTP technologies are being used to reach the deepest and sparsely populated rural areas in FTC’s footprint such as Turbeville, Lynchburg, Bishopville, and Greeleyville. To scale and reach densely populated service areas such as Sumter, Kingstree, Lake City, and Pocalla, DSL and GbE FTTP technologies are used, states the press release from Occam Networks.

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