Abrading the surface of cable with a needle loaded with a specified weight is called Abrasion in optical fiber cable testing. Abrasion test or Abrasion resistance test can be done to assess the performance of the sheath material or sheath marking. International test methods categorizes two methods different for abrasion of the cable sheath and abrasion of the sheath marking. Abrasion test of sheath marking can be performed in two ways depending on the type of printing used for sheath marking. For hot foild indentation and hot stamping methods, a needle is used while for ink jet/laser jet sheath marking, abrasion with cloth (fabric) is used.
International standards such as IEC 60794-1-2 is used to test abrasion resistance of optical fiber cables. The test procedure has two aspectes such as 1. the ability of the sheath to resist abrasion and 2. the ability of the cable markings to resist abrasion. The purpose of the test is to determine the ability of sheath markings to resist abrasion. Abrasion test on cable sheaths is mentioned in method E2A. The following methods are used depending on the kind of marking;
– Method 1 for embossing, hot foil indentation and sintering
– Method 2 for marking types other than that mentioned in Method 1, such as ink jet/laser printing.
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