FTTH Council had updated global FTTH/FTTB+LAN penetraion based on the criteria accepted by council members. However, in terms of pure FTTH, UAE leads the FTTH ranking list with an impressive 32% of the houses in the United Arab Emirates connected with optical fiber cables. The credit goes to Etisalat, one of the biggest telecom operators in UAE and the Middle East.
We did a homework to separate the FTTH connected houses in the world so that it does not mix with FTTB and other LAN technologies. In this case, the glass optical fiber cable has reached to each home and is terminated at the optical network unit. Alternatively the fiber optic cable coming to the home can be terminated at the wall mount closure or rosette. From the rosette an optical fiber cord connects to the optical network unit.
The ranking is based on FTTH Council's updated information as on December 2010. If you want to copy and use the below graph please give the credit to this blog. Please share as much as you like.
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