Google in its official blog announced on the 30th of this month that Kansas City, KS, will be the first testbed for its high speed broadband based on fiber to the home (FTTH) network. Google has been working with partner companies to make this project successful with community participation.
Google’s plan is to start offer FTTH based high speed broadband services to the subscribers by the year 2012. To make the service offerings successful, Google will work closely with Kansas city medical center, KCNext, and Kauffman Foundation, and similar organizations. Technical details are not disclosed at the moment. The broadband speed will be 1 Gbps. Google aims to provide 1 Gbps connection speed to each home in Kansas City.
What is Google’s interest in fiber optics? Why this internet giant intends to enter into the broadband service sector? Is it purely to reap from an emerging business field? Many people wondered when Google first announced its intention to provide fiber optic connectivity to homes. It is more than one year from now we heard about Google, their intention to offer a 1 Gbps broadband connection to the FTTH Testbed they select.
People all over the world are literally hungry for better and faster broadband access. Google says this is the motivation for Google to think of Fiber to the home networks. It is a fact that due to lack of funds and development plans, Governments often take a backseat when it comes to providing faster communication opportunities to the public. The political will is not strong in this direction. One of the reasons is that most of the politicians are not aware of the potential of broadband and how it will help to build powerful future generations. The studies conducted on the contribution of broadband to the GDP of the country is not properly understood by the political leadership.
Countries, where political leadership got an idea of the impact of broadband on the economy had already taken the decision to invest in building Fiber to the home networks nationwide. Countries like South Korea, UAE, Japan, etc, are the leading economies with the highest percentage of home penetration.
Coming back to our doubts on what is Google’s motivation to go for fiber optics, we find that the internet experience is never fulfilled without a faster broadband connection. For people to experience the new internet worlds being built by Google, high speed broadband is a must. Without the proper connection, Google’s attempts to expand the internet horizons will prove meaningless. When people sitting at home start using the internet, Google will make real money.
This blog was maintained on Google blogger, though the domain was registered separately with Godaddy. High speed broadband enables internet users to upload and download files, images, video clips, and movies within seconds. This will provide enhanced customer satisfaction which in turn will divert to more online business. Google, a leading internet trendsetter can then reap more.
There were many people who estimated that Google will not enter into the high speed broadband market soon. Some experts thought that Google wishes to influence the telecom policy in the United States by entering the broadband market. They explain that Google’s WiFi in Mountain View, California was a failure.
Google’s 1 Gbps service offer is 20 times faster than the current broadband services in the United States. Google’s influences in the daily life of an individual is expanding. Some people are worried about the way Google gathers information online. Now Google will get more control over the users as service providers. As far as Google gives enhanced and modern user experience we should learn to appreciate those efforts. Googles move to provide high speed broadband services through fiber to the home networks must expand to other parts of the world as well. This will bring healthy competition in the broadband market. Ultimately people will get high quality services at competitive monthly rates.
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