Introduction to Communication

Communication is all about transfer of ideas from one location to another location. Living things communicate each other and with the nature as and when required for their existence. Communication is exchange of thoughts. It can be either through speech, writing, graphics, and gestures using body parts or simply by keeping silence! Really, silence does magic in communication and are powerful than words. To simply state, communication is exchange of the ideas or thoughts generated in our mind to others. The English word Communication is derived from Latin word commūnicāre, which means “to share”.

Our ancestors have been on quest to find out effective ways to communicate. Invention of language was a major breakthrough in our history. Formation of words and then sentences opened a vast field of opportunities for communication. Oral communication gave a way to express the ideas inside the mind. Own voice was enough to call somebody at a distance.

Our ancestors started feeling limitation of verbal communication as they started travelling long distances. They felt the need of some means to communicate. Writing letters was a good idea to send the message from one place to another place, but it took long time to reach to the receiver. History says, we used birds to carry letters from one place to another place. Messengers travelling on horses reduced the time, but with the invention of transportation means, communication time also got reduced.

The curious human mind started searching for ways to reduce the communication time. From mechanical means of communication, we invented electronic means. Basic principle of communication is very simple. There are four essential elements involved in communication:

1. Sender (Transmitter)
2. The message (Content)
3. The medium
4. The receiver

In earlier form of communication when person A talks to person B, person A is the Sender (Transmitter). The subject of A’s talk is the content or message. Air is the medium that carry sound waves. Person B is the receiver.

If we further look into the process more carefully to a verbal communication, we can see the technical requirements of transmitter, medium and receiver. A transmitter must generate sound waves, in our case, person A must talk. To generate sound waves, the person A’s sound boxes and tongue must work in a particular fashion. I am not going to the physiological details.

Sender could be a person or a machine. Message could be data, video or sound. Medium could be Air (Microwaves or light) or Wired (Copper wires/Optical fibers). Both the sender and receiver should speak the same language (protocols). If the medium are different in the process, we need some kind of media converters. Communication is successful if the receiver understood what the sender transmitted.

So, if the receiver understands what the transmitter has to say, they don’t even need to communicate! That happens in strong personal relations such as a mother-child relation. A mother understands what her baby needs and she does everything for the baby even if the baby does not ask. That is the ultimate form of communication.

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