British telecom (BT) reveals the cost if a subscriber wants to upgrade from FTTC (Fiber to the cabinet) to FTTP (Fiber to the premise). The cost if one wants to upgrade from FTTC to FTTP will include equipment cost, Cable cost, other components and installation cost etc. BT estimates this cost to be approximately £500 fixed fee, which is around $650. The variable cost will increase based on the distance of the subscriber from the cabinet.
BT Openreach estimates that minimum distance based cost will start from $260. If the subscriber is away from cabinet, they may need to pay around $1300 or still higher. In most cases, estimated to be 55 percent, upgrade cost is approximately $260.
Upgrading from FTTC to FTTP will be expensive for the remaining 45 per cent. Openreach estimates that some places will need to pay anything between $1800 and $4600 plus $650 fixed fee. This is really expensive. Such cost may not attract many people to fiber based broadband services.
Business establishments and rich people may afford to pay, but fiber optic broadband will be at distance for most of the population.
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