Enel Open Fiber Brings FTTH to Mazara del Vallo

An agreement between the Mazara del Vallo Municipality and Enel Open Fiber has been signed to create a new ultra-broadband network for 15,000 subscribers. The digital future is ready to land in Mazara del Vallo. In fact, Open Fiber is about to build a telecommunications network entirely in optical fiber, a cutting-edge infrastructure capable of ensuring citizens and businesses access to the web at unprecedented performances.

The latest generation network is built in FTTH (Fiber To The Home), the only broadband technology capable of returning connection speeds of up to 1 Gigabit per second and a latency of less than 5 milliseconds. A special agreement was stipulated between Open Fiber and the municipal administration of Mazara. This agreement aims at regulating the methods of technological innovation intervention.

Open Fiber has planned an investment of 5 million euros in the Sicilian city, own funds necessary for the wiring of about 15,000 real estate units. The agreement was signed by the commissioner Vincenzo Giacalone, Sicily’s regional manager of Open Fiber, Clara Distefano, Dorotea Lo Greco (Institutional Affairs South Area), and Daniele Di Pietrantonio (field manager and responsible for the cabling works in the city).

The deployment project planned for Mazara aims to reduce the inconveniences of residents and businesses. In order to reduce the cost and also to reduce the construction work, existing electric poles would be utilized wherever possible.


As in construction sites all over Italy used by Open Fiber, the excavations will in any case be carried out using innovative methods with a low environmental impact. Among these, the most used is the mini- trench: excavation on the road, 10 cm wide and 35 to 50 cm deep, is filled together with the laying of the cables with pink cement mortar. After at least 30 days of this temporary restoration, the technical time necessary for the settling of the material, a full restoration of the road will be carried out by laying hot asphalt. Open Fiber and the competent municipal offices will coordinate for doing such work. A total of 9,000 kilometers of fiber optic cables will be laid. The construction work is expected to take around 18 months.

The path of innovation and digitization of Mazara starts with this agreement. The city will be equipped with an ultra-broadband network and also dedicated fiber connections will be deployed to 30 municipal buildings. This will ensure high efficiency in governance as they can communicate with each other with very high performance. The Mazara city administration aims to make the city smart with modern and future-proof communication systems in place.

An ultra-broadband network based on optical fibers enables services that benefit the entire community. This is especially true at present, in the face of the pandemic that has forced us all to reformulate lifestyles and production methods. We need to change our lifestyle and move quickly towards smart working, telemedicine, teleworking, distance education, Industry 4.0, video surveillance, and home automation. This is the reason for calling the fiber optic networks, “future-proof”.  Fiber optic networks are able to support subsequent technological evolutions. Highly efficient connectivity is more important today than ever and it has become an essential tool for the advancement of our society.

Open Fiber is a wholesale operator and does not sell fiber optic services directly to end-users. Open Fiber builds an open-access network and all the telephone operators or Internet service providers can access the network. The citizens of Mazara del Vallo will be able to take advantage of the ultra-broadband in a few month’s time from now.

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