Worldwide Commercial Use of commercial terrestrial FSO Transmitter/Receivers Reached $10.39 Million in 2020 and forecasted to reach nearly $241 million in 2030.
November 16, 2021 – ElectroniCast Consultants, a leading market and technology research consultancy addressing the optical communications industry, today announced the report release of their 10-year (2020-2030) global market forecast and analysis study covering the outdoor use of Free Space Optics (FSO) equipment in non-military/aerospace fixed-location applications.
According to the study, the global consumption value of outdoor FSO Transmitter and Receiver Link Devices used in stationary commercial applications reached an estimated $10.39 million in year 2020; however, the consumption value is forecast to reach nearly $241 million in the year 2030. The market forecast data in this study report refers to consumption (use) for a particular calendar year; therefore, this data is not cumulative data.
The Europe, Middle East, Africa region (EMEA) will continue to lead the market over the next decade when it comes to transmitter/receiver pairs used in commercial FSO systems. European inner-city urban areas typically are difficult for wire-lines, including optical fiber cable installations; therefore, this fact promotes the consumption of FSO or other wireless solutions.
The fastest annual growth during the 1st-half of the forecast period is attributed to the Asia Pacific region (APAC). The increase in the consumption of FSO links in the America region will be attributed to not only continued upgrades and network facilitation in the United States and Canada, but partly from the accelerating economic growth of major cities in Latin America.
- Free Space Optic communication links can be installed along railroad/subway tracks, tunnels, airport terminals, parking lot/structures or other major un-obstructed right-of-way (ROW); outdoors on building rooftops (building-to-building and/or campus), exterior walls, towers, indoors (aim out a window), or any combination; however, a direct line-of-sight and appropriate distance are required to enable a successful Link between two points (point-to-point). Military/Aerospace, Space and Earth-to-space, Underwater, and Indoor applications are not included in the forecast.
Free Space Optic (FSO) Transmitters and Receivers used in link equipment with a range capability of 500 meters or less dominated in relative market share last year (2020) with a global consumption value of $7.49 million or 72 percent.
This market forecast report is available immediately from ElectroniCast. For detailed information on this or other services provided by ElectroniCast, please contact
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