Open fiber Connects Altamura and Martina Franca with Optical Fiber

Italian fiber broadband network deployment company Open fiber announced that thirteen million private investments, over 20 thousand kilometers of optical fiber to lay, 12,500 real estate units already reached by a state-of-the-art fiber infrastructure. These are the numbers of Open Fiber in Altamura and Martina Franca cities that can now count on a telecommunications network entirely in optical fiber already available to users.

In the western quadrant of Altamura and in the Fabbrica rossa and Sanità districts of Martina, private houses, companies, shops and public offices now have the possibility of surfing the web with unprecedented performances: speeds up to 10 Gigabits per second and latencyless than 5 milliseconds . Technical features able to best support services considered indispensable, from smart working to remote teaching, from telemedicine to home automation and much more.

Open Fiber is a wholesale only operator , that is, it creates the infrastructure and makes it available to all national and local partner operators at non-discriminatory technical and economic conditions. There are therefore more than 50 different operators currently marketing services on the ultra-fast network created in Altamura and Martina Franca, guaranteeing consumers ample freedom of choice and rates with lower average costs.

The details of the projects: in Altamura about 6,000 real estate units are already covered by the new FTTH (Fiber-to-the-home fiber optic network) thanks to the initial investment of about 7 million euros. The goal is to reach 19 thousand real estate units through 11 thousand kilometers of fiber optic cables laid throughout the city. In Martina Franca , the wired real estate units are already over 6,500 , the result of an investment of 6 million aimed at covering 16 thousand houses, businesses and public offices with the laying of about 10 thousand kilometers of fiber.

The two towns of Murge and Tarantino – thanks to an overall investment of about 200 million euros with over half a million wired real estate units – are added to the other Apulian cities already reached by the Open Fiber network: Bari , Taranto , Foggia , Lecce , Barletta , Brindisi , Molfetta , Trani , Manfredonia , Bisceglie , Bitonto , Monopoli , Corato and Modugno.

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