Open Fiber Deploys Fiber in Massa

Open Fiber invests  9 million euro to deploy Fiber to the home network in town of Massa, Italy. The investment by Open Fiber will bring super fast fiber broadband services around 24,000 real estate units in the town.

The new ultra-broadband network in Massa will bring optical fiber directly into the homes. The Municipality and Open Fiber have in fact signed an agreement that will govern the plan for construction that may involve interventions to the public and or private properties to create a new FTTH infrastructure , to connect homes, offices and shops.

24,000 real estate units will be connected by optical fiber through the creation of a new and capillary communication network, entirely in optical fiber, of over 14 kilometers. The investment, equal to 9 million euros, will be entirely borne by the company and is part of the great modernization work in the country put in place by Open Fiber, which involves 271 cities throughout the peninsula.

Massa is a town and comune in Tuscany, central Italy, the administrative centre of the province of Massa and Carrara. It is located in the Frigido River Valley, near the Alpi Apuane, 5 km from the Tyrrhenian Sea.

“The pandemic has demonstrated, even more than before, the need to be equipped with faster and more efficient online connections for both work and families – comments Councilor Marco Guidi, with powers of Public Works and Energy Policies – in some areas of our city the connections were too weak, which is why we are convinced that this further important investment in fiber by Open Fiber can make Massa a city even smarter and connected to the future”.

“The network that Open Fiber will build in Massa is a real highway of the future with high performance and efficiency equal to the most important European cities – declared Marco Gasparini, Network & Operations Manager Open Fiber Toscana – With us the city it will change its face: our network will enable the smart city, the city of the future, simplifying the life of citizens, companies and the Public Administration, as well as giving impetus to the tourism and cultural sector “.

Open Fiber is building an FTTH fiber network also in the main urban areas of Tuscany, where it operates with private investment. Currently the service is available in Florence, Livorno, Pisa, Prato, Arezzo, Grosseto, Viareggio, Empoli, Scandicci, Lastra a Signa, Calenzano, Sesto Fiorentino and Campi Bisenzio. The total investment is 130 million euros.

Open Fiber is a wholesale only operator. The company does not sell fiber optic services directly to the end customer, but is active exclusively in the wholesale market. When the work is complete, the interested customers will only have to contact an operator, choose the tariff plan and surf at a speed that is impossible to achieve with current copper or mixed fiber networks. -copper.

When the user requests it, the selected operator will contact Open Fiber, which at that point will make an appointment with the customer, with the aim of bringing the optical fiber from the road pit into the home. At the end of the operation, the user will be ready to navigate through a new infrastructure that can reach the speed of 10 Gigabits per second, and benefit from services such as online streaming in HD and 4k, teleworking.

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